68 lines
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68 lines
2 KiB
; replace SpritePrep_Eyegore if flag is on
; old
JSL SpritePrep_Eyegore
LDA $0E20, X : CMP.b #$B8 : BEQ .mimic ;If sprite id == debugger sprite
JSL $1EC71A ; 0xF471A set eyegore to be only eyegore (.not_goriya?)
LDA #$83 : STA $0E20, X : JSL $0DB818 ; 0x6B818 Sprite_LoadProperties of green eyegore
LDA #$B8 : STA $0E20, X ; set the sprite back to mimic
LDA $0CAA, X : AND #$FB : ORA #$80 : STA $0CAA, X ; STZ $0CAA, X
;INC $0DA0, X
JSL $1EC70D ;0xF470D set eyegore to be mimic (.is_goriya?)
LDA !ENABLE_MIMIC_OVERRIDE : BEQ .notMimic ; skip to what it would have done normally
LDA $0E20, X
CMP.b #$B8 : BNE .notMimic
LDA #$83 : STA $0E20, X ; overwrite the sprite id with green eyegore id
; restore code
LDA $0E20, X
CMP.b #$7A
{ ; don't change this unless you go update SetKillableThief in c# side since it assumes +4 bytes to update the value on the CMP from B8 to C4
; if we set killable thief we want to update the sprite id so it can be killed
LDA $0E20, X
CMP.b #$B8 : BEQ .changeSpriteId ; thief #$C4
; if we don't have mimic code turned on we want to skip, but we also need to reload the sprite id because we just smoked it with this LDA
LDA !ENABLE_MIMIC_OVERRIDE : BEQ .reloadSpriteIdAndSkipMimic ; skip to what it would have done normally
LDA $0E20, X ; I hate assembly
CMP.b #$B8 : BNE .continue ; "mimic" (dialogue test sprite we hijacked). skip to vanilla behavior if it's not a "mimic"
LDA #$83 ; load green eyegore sprite id so we can kill the thing
JMP .continue
LDA $0E20, X
; restore code
REP #$20 : ASL #2
;REP #$20 : ASL #4 : ORA $0CF2 : PHX : REP #$10 : TAX
;SEP #$20
;LDA $7F6000, X : STA $02
;SEP #$10
} |