title = "Luke 6:46–49"
date = "2022-11-13"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk6.46-49)

The Sermon on the Plain ends with a final warning against hypocrisy. Even
though "out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks" (_v. 45_), it is
not enough to merely speak the right things. If we call Jesus Lord (and we
should, because He is), but don't obey His commands, then we are lying. It's
not a popular idea nowadays, but God is in charge and has every right to tell
us what to do. It is our place to humbly submit to Him&emdash;that is, agree
that He is in charge and obey what He tells us.

Jesus then explains that there are great benefits for acting this way. God
blesses and protects those who obey Him, just like the man who built his house
on a solid foundation. The flood rose and beat against the house, but didn't
shake it. In contrast, the man who does not do what he hears God say loses the
house he built on the sand.

It's possible to take this parable and interpret it in a couple of ways: from
an earthly or an eternal perspective. I think both are valid, but one is truer
than the other. For example, I know a man who hasn't been able to get a steady
job for two years now. He continues to serve in the church faithfully, cares
for his family, and takes odd jobs while he looks for the position he really
wants. His wife told me recently that they have more in their savings account
now than they did when he lost his last full-time job. The floodwaters of life
have certainly come against this family, and their house stands firm. How much
more sure, then, is their eternal security? Hunger and sickness may yet find
them, despite everything we may do, but when they die (not _if_), they will be
with the Lord they love. And there is no better place to be than that.

* * *

Help us build our faith upon Your Rock, obeying You in all things, so that we
may stand before You at the end of the age, with all joy.