title = "Luke 5:12–16"
date = "2022-11-03"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk5.12-16)

In this passage, a leper comes to Jesus and asks for healing. Without
hesitation Jesus touches His hand to him and heals him. The great significance
of this is that according to Jewish law, skin conditions, particularly
progressive ones, caused a person to be ritually unclean. This meant they
couldn't worship God with the rest of the people or offer sacrifices for the
forgiveness of their sins. Lepers in particular had to isolate themselves from
everyone else in order to keep the disease from spreading.

Jesus heals this man with a touch anyway. It is a pointer to the way Jesus
takes on our sin to atone for it. He takes on the guilt and uncleanness and
removes it so that He is unstained by it Himself.

Finally, Jesus tells the man to fulfill the Law by showing the priest that he
is healthy, along with the sacrifice of thanksgiving to God, but also charges
him to tell no one else about it. Jesus is trying to slow down the spread of
His fame, because with everyone around Him all the time, it is hard for Him to
get alone so He can pray.

* * *

Order our priorities to Your priorities, so that we do good works in Your name
and also stop and pray in the correct proportions.