title = "Luke 18:35–43"
date = "2023-01-16"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk18.35-43)

As Jesus continues to Jerusalem, he enters the city of Jericho. City gates were
important social centers in ancient times. Beggars would often gather there to
seek the generosity of travlers in and out of the city. At this particular gate
into Jericho there was a blind man (named Bartimaeus in Mark's account, but
Matthew's said there were two blind men) who was able to hear the increase in
traffic as Jesus approached. Upon learning who was approaching, he starts
making a scene in the hopes of catching Jesus's attention. Those near him try
to tell him to be quiet, but he just keeps yelling for Jesus to have mercy on

Jesus sends for him and asks what he wants. Unsurprisingly, the blind man
wishes to see again. Clearly he had once been able to see, and he had heard of
the way Jesus healed people wherever He went. He knew Jesus could help him and
didn't want to miss this chance. Jesus recognizes the man's faith and rewards
it. In response, the man praises God and begins following Jesus.

This is how we should all respond to God's mercy. He has made known that He
provides salvation from the curse of our sin, so we should glorify Him and
dedicate our lives to Him out of gratitude and love.

* * *

Salvation is found in You alone. Grant us the faith to accept it.