title = "Galatians 4:21–31"
date = "2023-08-15"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Galatians4.21-31)

This allegory between Hagar and Sarah is a little weird, because the law came
through Moses who was a descendent of Isaac. But that's how allegories work;
you can't take them too literally. So then, the slave woman has a son naturally
who is born into slavery and the free woman has a son because of God's promise
who grows up free. In the same way, Paul says, Mount Sinai where the law was
given and the earthly Jerusalem where the temple was built represent those who
are in bondage to sin which the law makes known to them.

Those who are in Christ, however, are represented by Sarah the free woman and
the heavenly Jerusalem where God dwells. He cites [Isaiah
54:1](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Isaiah54.1) to emphasize the better position
of the children of the promise over the children of slavery. He continues to
draw parallels from the story of Hagar and Sarah by showing how the children in
bondage persecute the children of promise, just as Hagar did to Sarah after
Ishmael was born. But just as Ishmael did not inherit his father's wealth, so
too will those enslaved to sin not inherit the eternal life given to the the
children of promise.

Again, we can't take the allegory too literally, or we would wonder how the
Lord's blessing of Ishmael after he and his mother were cast out comes into
play. It doesn't, and it shouldn't, because Paul ends the allegory before this
event. Instead, he is making the point that those who believe in Christ and the
free grace He has shown to us is in every way better than a slavish devotion to
rituals and rules that do not have power to save.

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