title = "Luke 19:41–48"
date = "2023-01-21"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk19.41-48)

Amidst all of the excitement of the Messiah coming to Jerusalem, with all the
people praising God for fulfilling His promises, when Jesus sees the city He
starts crying. And these aren't tears of joy, but of sadness. He explains why
in His lament that Jerusalem doesn't know what's actually happening in it, in
spite of all the hubbub and uproar that is presently happening around Him.
Furthermore, it will not know because the city will be besieged and destroyed,
and it cannot know because they have been hidden.

This is a hard thing to come to grips with. God prevented the people from
knowing what Jesus was really about, and thus the city was judged with
destruction in A.D. 70. One might question how that is fair and just. I'm not
sure I can fully answer that, but I can assert that it must be, because God is
entirely just. I can also point out that if He hadn't, then Jesus might not
have been crucified which would leave all of us in our sins forever, prove God
a liar, and make all of reality a contradiction. But we have seen things like
this througout the Luke's account, where plain truth is hidden from people
until the proper time. The only proper response is to trust in God's
unchangeable character and goodness.

Luke spends less time on the cleansing of the temple, but all four Gospel
writers include the event. The merchants who had set up shop in the temple were
providing legitimate services; travelers would not necessarily bring their own
sacrificial animals with them on a journey, and only a certain kind of coin was
accepted as offerings. Having a place near the temple to get these things was
convenient. However, it seems clear that the priests didn't care about the
worship any Gentiles would offer because these merchants were set up in the
only place the Gentiles were allowed in the temple. They had forgotten that
Israel was supposed to be a blessing to all nations by being a visible sign of
the Lord's goodness to the whole world.

After cleansing the temple, Jesus begins teaching there every day. We are also
told that "principal men of the people" are now trying to find a way to kill
him along with the chief priests and scribes. I would not be surprised to learn
that these men are the owners of the businesses Jesus disrupted. But Jesus is
still extremely popular, so they aren't able to move against Him publicly or
they would cause a riot.

* * *

Your goodness and Your power are the only hope we have for this life or the one
to come.