title = "1 John 2:18–25"
date = "2024-08-02"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1John2.18-25)

The spirit of antichrist is what causes apostasy.
Though John had much to say about the "capital A" Antichrist, described as the "beast from the sea" in Revelation 13, that doesn't seem to be what he's referring to here.
Instead, he is talking about those who are literally anti-Christ, who deny that Jesus is who He said He was.
They oppose His message, His work, and His authority.
They had at one time been sitting under the teaching of the apostles, but then had rejected the truth to go their own way.

In contrast, the believers who have not fallen away have been "anointed by the Holy One". (_v. 20_)
This is very interesting because "anointed" is the same word as Christ in Greek and Messiah in Hebrew.
By being marked as God's people, believers are imbued with the knowledge of the truth, and it flows out of them in their confessions of who God is.
Namely, the Father and the Son are both God, but not the same person.
This knowledge allows us to live with Him, and He has promised we will live with Him forever.

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Reveal the truth to us so that we may live with You and worship You forever.