title = "Luke 20:41–47"
date = "2023-01-26"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk20.41-47)

After answering the Sadducees about the resurrection, the appropriateness of
paying taxes, and not answering the question of His authority, Jesus poses a
question of His own. It was well-known that the Messiah would come from David's
line, but Jesus cites [Psalm 110:1](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ps110.1) which
makes things difficult for a straightforward interpretation. Whenever the Old
Testament is quoted in the New Testament, it uses the Greek translation called
the Septuagint, or LXX. In some cases, our English translations of the Hebrew
text can differ from what the Septuagint's translators did, but that is
thankfully not the case here.

However we do have to pay attention to who the "Lords" are in "The Lord said to
my Lord". Most translations will have the first "Lord" in small caps, but maybe
only in the book of Psalms and in regular font here in Luke. "<span
style="font-variant-caps: small-caps">Lord</span>" in small caps indicates the
covenant name of God, "Yahweh". (Some translations use "Yahweh" in the text
now.) Because it was common practice to say the Hebrew word for "lord"
(_adonai_) in place of Yahweh, the Septuagint used the Greek word for "lord"
when translating Yahweh from Hebrew.

Jesus's point is that David's psalm is clearly about the Messiah, who is
supposed to be his descendant (as promised in 2 Samuel 7), and yet David calls
his descendant "my Lord". Thus, the Messiah is a greater king than David was,
contrary to popular opinion which thought He was going to be a king of the same

Now that everyone is pondering this question, Jesus condemns the self-serving,
shallow scribes who love to have the attention of the people because of their
lofty knowledge and skill. They are supposed to be concerned with teaching
God's word to the people, but they pursue the blessings from the people more
than the blessings from God. Because they have the greater responsibility of
greater knowledge of the Scriptures, they receive a greater condemnation for
their unrighteousness.

* * *

Let us not be puffed up with knowledge but be humble as we seek Your will.