title = "Ezekiel 43:1–12"
date = "2023-07-08"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel43.1-12)

Something new happens in Ezekiel's vision. The Lord in His glory again appears
before Ezekiel's eyes, just as He had at the Chebar canal, when He commissioned
Ezekiel to be His prophet, and when He showed Ezekiel the abominations
happening in the temple and the city before He left it to its destruction. This
time, the Lord returns from the east to fill the temple with His glory again.
The God of Israel passes through the eastern gate, which is something of
significance that will be explained in a little while. Ezekiel either hides his
face in the ground so that he will not see the Lord with his unworthy eyes, or
he faints from the sheer awesomeness. When he says, "the Spirit lifted me up"
(_v. 5_), he is saying that he is made to stand on his feet again, not that he
was picked up and moved around.

Then the Lord speaks from within the temple to Ezekiel, declaring that this
house is His dwelling place on the earth. Though the Lord is present
everywhere, all the time, this place gets the special designation of being
where God is said to live. Though He created every family on earth, He has
chosen Israel's family to be His special people to dwell in their midst. This
was not a choice made based on any merit they had, or any distinguishing
characteristic, but simply because He chose them. We who follow Christ do well
to remember that we were chosen in the same way for the same reasons: simply
because God decided to show His mercy and grace to us in this way. We wouldn't
even be considering what God would want us to do without that.

Because God is holy, His neighbors, as it were, will be holy too. In the past
Israel sinned grievously, just as we all have, but in the future, when God's
glory fills the temple, there will be no more abominations or defiling
practices. It looks like there is some ambiguity around what was meant by the
"dead bodies of their kings" as that may refer to monuments set up for them.
Whatever had happened, it won't happen any more because only the Lord will be
worshipped when all is said and done.

Ezekiel is given instructions to make known to Israel the plans and laws for
this new temple. In all of Scripture, this is the only place where anyone
besides Moses was given ritual laws for Israel to uphold, The purpose of the
temple's blueprints and operations manual were to bring shame on the readers
for the things they have committed against the Lord. If their hearts are
pricked with shame, they will be moved to construct a proper dwelling for the

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Your holiness is infinite, and we can only approach it because of Your power
and goodness to us.