title = "Ezekiel 10:1–22"
date = "2023-03-24"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel10.1-22)

As the slaughter commences, the Lord's palanquin arrives. Ezekiel learns that
the living creatures that are underneath the crystal-blue throne are called
cherubim. The Ark of the Covenant that sits in the middle of the temple is a
representation of God's throne on earth. The bottom is a golden chest that
contains the two tablets of the Law given to Moses at Mt. Sinai, the budded
staff of Aaron, and a golden jar of manna. The top surface of the ark is called
the "mercy seat" and in front of it the high priest would sprinkle the blood of
a bull and a goat with his finger. Above the mercy seat were golden images of
cherubim, beings that looked like a man with wings. Their wings were spread
over the top of the mercy seat so that they overshadowed it. The bizarre
creatures he saw in his first vision with their four different faces and four
wings are thus associated with God's throne both in heaven and on earth.

God commands the angelic scribe to take burning coals that are in between the
four cherubim of His throne and scatter some over the city. While the
Babylonians certainly set fires to destroy Jerusalem when they conquered the
city, these verses so that God was superintending the destruction at the same

The cloud that fills the temple shields Ezekiel from seeing the full glory of
the Lord as He moves from the Holy Place to palanquin. Once He takes His place
on this mobile throne, the cherubim and the whirling wheels convey the Lord
away from the temple and the city. Of course, this being a vision, it is more
of a symbolic act than a literal one, especially since God is present
everywhere and therefore cannot "leave" a place.

* * *

Though You are infinite and overflow our minds, You condescend to us and give
us the glimpses of Yourself that we are able to understand because it is good
that we know You and love You.