title = "Luke 12:22–34"
date = "2022-12-18"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk12.22-34)

Having reminded the people that earthly goods are not worth anything to them
after they have died, Jesus continues the lesson by saying we should not be
anxious about even our basic needs. The poor people of Jesus's day were a lot
poorer than even most who consider themselves poor today. Finding enough food
to eat for the day was often a struggle, and there were no government programs
or charitable organizations to help people out. Into that environment, Jesus
says don't worry about what you will eat or wear.

Jesus explains why He says this in three ways. First, mere survival is not all
there is to life. God wants you to do more with your life than to merely exist.
Second, worry does not actually give you your food or clothing in the first
place. In fact, worry and stress will shorten your life, the opposite of what
we want it to do. Third, God is good and takes care of even the little animals
and the short-lived grass, and He cares for you and your life even more. He
knows you need food and clothing, shelter and relationships. He is faithful to
provide for your needs, so be faithful to Him in return.

Finally, Jesus exhorts His listeners to invest in the kingdom of God because
the returns are eternal and cannot be lost, stolen, or worn out. Be generous
with what you have now, because you won't get to keep it anyway.

* * *

Set our eyes on what is truly valuable, and help us live as good citizens of
Your kingdom.