title = "1 John 1:5–10"
date = "2024-07-27"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1John1.5-10)

John introduces a metaphor that is the main theme of his writing, which he received from Jesus:
God is light, and by that light we walk in truth and holiness.
Those who do evil deeds walk in darkness instead, even if they say they know the truth and have fellowship with Jesus.
Light allows us to see the truth, both within us and out around us.
Those who do not walk in the light do not see the truth and therefore cannot understand their true condition.

As the light only comes from one source, the Eternal One, everyone who walks in His light are supernaturally going to walk together, spiritually.
That is why we have easy fellowship with other believers, even if we haven't met them before.
We all have the shared experience of being forgiven of our sins by the blood of Jesus, because that is what brings us out of darkness and into the light.
John makes it very clear that there is no one in the light who hasn't been forgiven of their sins.
He agrees with Paul that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." ([_Romans 3:23_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Romans3.23))
Those who say they've done nothing wrong before God deceive themselves, do not have the truth, and are still in the darkness.
We who confess our sins, expressing to the Lord that we need His mercy and grace to be made righteous, are forgiven, and our sins are cleansed by the Jesus's atonement on the cross.

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We do not deserve the consideration You have given to us, but we shall be forever grateful that You have lifted us up out of our deaths.