title = "1 Chronicles 22:11–19"
date = "2024-05-20"
aliases = ["bible_journal/1chronicles-21-11-19"]

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1Chronicles22.11-19)

David's charge to Solomon to build the temple continues here, but his focus shifts a little.
He asks for the Lord's blessing on Solomon to be a discerning and understanding ruler (_v. 12_), which will cause him to obey the law of the Lord.
This, in turn, will bring prosperity to both Solomon and the land, as the Lord had promised the people when He gave them the law.
Political theories have their place, but a leader's guiding principle should be to obey the commands of God above all, just like it should be the guiding principle of everyone.

Side note: while health and wealth are valid ways for God to bless us for obedience, they are not the only or even the primary way.
Joy, peace, and contentment can be a lot more valuable than a full bank account when your boss or children hate you.
The "prosperity gospel" lies when it makes God out to be a blessing vending machine.
He is so much _better_ than that, and He will be pleased to give you what you need over and above what you want.

David lists for Solomon all of the things he has gotten ready in the temple preparations.
Then he says to add to it.
Even "bronze and iron beyond weighing" might not be enough for the grand plans David has for the temple.
The Eternal One cannot be contained in a merely physical house, but that doesn't stop David from trying to match His majesty.

When David exhorts Solomon's cabinet, as it were, to assist him in the building project, he reminds them that it is for the same Yahweh that brought peace to their nation and blessed the land.
He wants them to match his own efforts out of gratitude and love for the God who has done great things for them already.

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You are worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.