title = "Ezekiel 25:1–7"
date = "2023-05-08"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel25.1-7)

The book of Ezekiel can be divided into three main sections. The first as we
have seen are judgements against Israel and Judah. We now come to the second in
which the nations surrounding Israel are judged. The final section concerns the
hope for blessing of God's people and the restoration of His temple.

The first of the nations to be judged is Ammon. Ezekiel had already prophesied
against them in chapter 21, in which the king of Babylon cast divinations to
decide to which city to send his armies first. While Babylon had its own
reasons for destroying Ammon, the Lord spells out His reasons for sending this
judgement upon them.

Ammon had often been in conflict with Israel, so even though they had allied
against Babylon in these last few years, there was much rejoicing among the
Ammonites when they heard that Jerusalem had fallen. Yahweh's temple was
destroyed and the land of Israel was emptied of inhabitants, so Ammon clapped
their hands and stamped their feet in gleeful malice. Because of this attitude,
the Lord sends Babylon to do the same thing to Ammon and its cities. The people
of Ammon shall be removed, its capital city will be a camel pasture, and the
fruit of the land will go to the besieging Babylonians.

_Shadenfreude_ is not an emotion that God's people should allow themselves. To
see judgement fall on an individual or a group should give us satisfaction that
justice is served and evil is punished, but it should also sober us because it
is only by God's mercy that such a fate has not fallen on us as well.

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You search the hearts of men and know all their intentions.