title = "Ezekiel 11:1–12"
date = "2023-03-26"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel11.1-12)

Now Ezekiel is taken to the east gate of the temple, where another twenty-five
men have gathered outside it. Don't confuse these twenty-five with the
twenty-five priests worshipping the sun inside the temple court (who were
supposed to be killed by the six destroying angels in chapter 9). Also don't
confuse Jaazaniah the son of Azzur here with Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan from
chapter 8. These men are described as "princes of the people" (_v. 1_) so they
are the political leaders who rose up in Jerusalem after the first deportation.
(This was the exile that Ezekiel himself and Daniel were part of.)

The Spirit of the Lord describes these men to Ezekiel as wicked counselors and
arrogant in their position. They described Jerusalem as a cauldron and
themselves as the meat in it. That is, the city has walls of irons and they are
the best parts of what is in it. Since Nebuchadnezzar had deported most of the
royal family, the military leaders, and the craftsmen, maybe these men
considered those groups to be the offal and bones of a butchered animal while
they were the parts that were valuable.

As an aside, the Lord declares He knows their thoughts, which is not a fact
that should be missed. When theologians talk about God's omniscience, they
really do mean He knows _everything_. Repent of even your wicked thoughts that
you never tell anyone.

The Lord indicts these wicked counselors by pointing out the people who have
been slain in the streets of the city because of their leadership. He says that
those are the real meat of the cauldron, and because of them He will bring
these puffed-up leaders out of the cauldron to be judged at the border of
Israel with the sword that they have feared. They had not followed in the
statuse of the Lord but instead did wickedness according to the ways of the
nations around them.

* * *

No one can escape Your justice except through the gracious work of Jesus paying
the penalty for our unrighteousness.