title = "2 Chronicles 7:11–22"
date = "2024-11-14"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/2Chronicles7.11-22)

After the temple and the royal palace are built, the Lord comes to Solomon to give him a warning and an encouragement.
Though the Lord has made a permanent decision to dwell among His people in the house Solomon built for Him, it will not necessarily endure forever.
(Of course, the returning exiles know exactly how true this is.)
But when hardship comes because the people are unfaithful to their God, He is compassionate and merciful, and He will hear them when they ask for forgiveness.
When they "humble themselves, and pray and seek [His] face and turn from their wicked ways" (_v. 14_) then the Lord will "forgive their sin and heal their land".

The covenant God made with David is reiterated with Solomon as well.
If he walks in the Lord's commandments the way his father David did, then the Lord will bless his dynasty and keep his sons on the throne of Israel.
However, if he turns aside and worships other gods, then he and his house will be removed from the land.
Even though the Lord said He would keep His name in the temple forever (_v. 16_), if this should come about, the temple too will be plucked up and cast out. (_v. 20_)
That will be a sign to those who see it that the people of Israel had been unfaithful to Yahweh, abandoning Him who had done such great things for them for idols that can do nothing.

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We are a stubborn, obstinate people who only want to go our own way. Your love for us is completely undeserved.