title = "Ezekiel 39:17–29"
date = "2023-06-30"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel39.17-29)

When the Lord wipes out Gog's army, we have learned that it will take Israel
seven months to bury them all. In the meantime, the Lord will send all of the
birds and animals of the field to the site to feast upon the fallen warriors.
While this is gruesome to think about, it is actually a mercy because it will
prevent disease from spreading and the land from being corrupted with toxins
from decomposition. The Lord calls this a sacrificial feast, an upending of the
normal order of things. Normally, humans slaughter animals to burn their blood
and fat as an offering to the Lord, and eat the roasted meat with the priests.

Because of what happened to Gog and his army, the Lord's glory will be
displayed to all the nations of the earth. Though Israel had sinned in the
past, causing the Lord to send them into exile, He will have mercy on them
again and restore their fortunes. They dwell in the land securely, and none
will be left behind among the other nations any more.

It is because of verse 29 that I don't believe the modern State of Israel is
the fulfillment of this prophecy or any others talking about the restoration of
the house of Israel. It may be a precursor to such a fulfillment, or a symbol
of it, but it's not the final fulfillment. Unless I'm completely out of the
loop, I don't see a great pouring out of the Lord's Spirit upon the Jewish
people. Yet. I am sure it will happen some day, though. I know some have tried
to connect the Arab-Israeli War and the Six Day War with events in Biblical
prophecy, but you shouldn't have to squint and twist events to make them fit
the text. Biblical prophecies are _obvious_ after the fact, and completely

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Gracious and merciful are all Your ways, O Lord.