title = "Ezekiel 47:13–23"
date = "2023-07-23"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel47.13-23)

The perspective of the vision zooms out even further now. (Well, we don't know
what Ezekiel was seeing here, just what was described to him.) The borders of
the whole land promised to the house of Israel are listed. Within these
borders, the twelve tribes will be allotted equal portions of it. However, Levi
gets a separate portion in the holy precinct, and therefore Joseph ends up with
two portions given to his line through Ephraim and Manasseh.

The borders as given are not easy to identify with modern places, but I can
still imagine the consternation they would cause to modern Israel's neighbors.
God promises to give everything between the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan
River and Dead Sea, which would include the disputed West Bank and Gaza Strip,
but in the north may extend up as far as the area west of Damascus. For the
south, I don't really have a clue. The Reformation Study Bible notes for this
section mention the Wadi el-Arish as a landmark, which is apparently in the
middle of the Sinai Peninsula.

As the borders of Israel have been a contentious subject for about a hundred
years at this point, I will say that I don't think the commands given in this
chapter or the next are meant for anyone in our time. Since these boundaries
are given after the vision of the river flowing out of the temple, I think it's
fair to assume that those things need to happen first. While is possible for
people to build a temple to the Lord according to the specifications given in
previous chapters, the life-giving water is clearly the Lord's doing. Most
likely He won't do that until Jesus Christ returns to the earth to establish
His kingdom, and by then old political boundaries are not going to matter at

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