title = "Luke 11:45–54"
date = "2022-12-14"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk11.45-54)

After the verbal thrashing Jesus gave the Pharisees, one of the experts of the
law has the nerve to tell Jesus, "Hey, you insult us too when you say things
like that." I mean, did he really think it was unintentional? Or that by
calling attention to it Jesus would back down with an "Oops, sorry. No

Jesus doubles down instead. He condemns them for adding extra rules and
requirements to the Law of Moses that make it a burden to those trying to
follow them. They said things like "Don't let your wife look in the mirror on
the Sabbath, or she may see a gray hair and pluck it out, which would be work,
and thus forbidden," or "Only walk 200 steps on the Sabbath, unless it's to and
from your own property." In that last case, the rich could send servants to put
broken items out on Friday every 200 steps so they could go wherever they like
since they would only be going to their property each time. All of these extra
rules were insanely hard to remember, much less fulfill, and they got very far
from what the Lord originally said: "Six days you shall labor and do all your
work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall
not do any work…" (_Deut 5:13–14_)

The religious elite considered themselves pious for building tombs to honor the
prophets of old, but by rejecting Jesus they were rejecting the prophets'
message, just like their forefathers did when they persecuted and killed those
prophets. They hid the truth from the people and themselves by twisting the Law
to their own devices and neglecting what the prophets had said.

* * *

Give us ears to hear what You have said in Your Word with clarity and a will to
follow it.