title = "1 John 2:26–29"
date = "2024-08-06"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1John2.26-29)

The idea of abiding is the theme of these few verses.
It is the idea of living in a single place, dwelling securely so that you are not moved, and staying for an extended time.
There are multiple abiders mentioned here, and there is a consequential chain reaction of abiding that relates them together.
Back in _v. 24_, John said the instruction the believers heard abides in them, and because it did they would abide in the Son and the Father.
Now in _v. 27_ he says the anointing they received from the Holy Spirit also abides in them, which allows them to understand the truth of the Gospel.
It also instructs them to abide in God, as they do, which in this sense means to remain there, as we've already learned that they do abide in Him.

What is the purpose of abiding in Him?
It is so that we will be ready when Jesus returns in glory, and cowering in fear and shame because of our sin that cannot withstand His holiness.
As we abide in Him, we will eagerly follow His instructions, put off detestable things from our lives, and put on righteousness.

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You alone are good, and Your righteousness is unsearcable.