title = "Luke 10:17–24"
date = "2022-12-06"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk10.17-24)

However long they were gone, the seventy(-two) disciples returned to Jesus
filled with joy because they had exercised authority over supernatural beings.
Jesus responds with a cryptic statement about Satan falling from heaven. There
is a sliding scale between literal and metaphorical in how it should be
interpreted, and there are not a lot of clues on where on the scale we should
fall. In the context of the disciples' return, somewhere towards the
metaphorical end seems more likely. Satan probably wasn't exiled from heaven at
that time because of the disciples' mission, but describing a defeat or foiling
of schemes this way sounds plausible.

Jesus informs the disciples that they have been given authority over the power
of the enemy, but they are not torejoice in it. This is to keep them from being
proud and taking this authority for granted. Second Peter and Jude both have
verses about not reviling angelic majesties, which is what false teachers and
charlatan faith healers do when they act like they can order demons around.
Instead, we are to rejoice that our names are written in heaven, for then we
are safe from all danger, ultimately. For then even if we die, we win.

Jesus is then moved by the Holy Spirit to praise the Father for hiding these
truths from those who think they know but also revealing His will to those who
otherwise had no chance at knowing. We who have heard God's Word are blessed to
receive it not because we deserve to, but because He chose to give it to us
despite our undeservedness.

* * *

Your ways are higher than our ways, and we are sheltered under Your wings.