title = "Luke 8:16–21"
date = "2022-11-23"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk8.16-21)

Here is your periodic reminder that the section titles, and even the chapter
and verse numbers you find in your Bible are not part of the original text and
therefore not inspired by the Holy Spirit. I should have included these verses
in yesterday's notes, perhaps. At any rate, even though Jesus changes
metaphors, He is still continuing to teach on the same point as the parable of
the sower.

Recall that the point of the parable is that not everyone who hears God's word
will believe in it, or at least not enough to be saved. It has been hidden from
them so that God's purposes may be fulfilled. But those who do hear and believe
will reproduce God's word so that it may be dispersed far beyond their reach.
These are the ones who are like the lighted lamp that is put on a stand.
Instead of hiding the truth, it is shown to all, because even though it is
hidden from some for now, it will be known by everyone for true and for sure in
the Day of the Lord. And that is why we are admonished to "take care then how
you hear" (_v. 18_). It has eternal significance in how we are judged.

The conclusion to Jesus's lesson comes at a providential moment when His family
comes to speak to Him. He clarifies that one takes care of how you hear by
obeying what God has told you. Familial relations are important, but your
relationship with God is more important.

* * *

Give us ears to hear, hearts to obey, and hands to do good works for Your
Name's sake.