title = "Luke 6:1–5"
date = "2022-11-07"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk6.1-5)

Now we get to the heart of what was wrong with the Pharisees' way of thinking.
They had read the Prophets and the Histories and saw that God had brought
judgement on their people because they did not follow God's commands (which is
true). So they decided that in order to get God's blessing they needed to
follow the Law perfectly. But there are over 600 commands in the Torah, and
some of them are fairly obscure and subtle. They memorized them anyway. And for
some, they put up fences around what God had said: the Sabbath is a day of rest
and you are not to do any work ([_Ex.
20:8–11_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ex20.8-11)). But what is "work"? How are
you going to obey the command if you don't know? The extra rules that the
Pharisees created were intended to help people obey the Law, but in reality
just made life harder. (E.g.: Cover your mirrors on the Sabbath, because if
your wife looks and sees a gray hair she might pull it out, which would be

Back to our passage. Jesus and His disciples were going through a field, and
somebody got peckish and started eating the grain. This is allowed in the Law
of Moses ([_Deut. 23:25_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Dt23.25)). However the
way this works is to take the ear off the stalk, then rub it between your hands
so that the seeds separate from the chaff so that you can blow it away.
According to the Pharisees, you can pick up food to eat it, but that is like
threshing, which is clearly work.

Some Pharisees see what Jesus's disciples have done. (How, I wonder? Why were
they out in the fields on the Sabbath?) When they confront Jesus about it, He
reminds them of the time David and his men ate the bread that had been
dedicated to God. According to the Law, only priests and their families should
have been allowed to eat this bread ([_Lev
24:5–9_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Le24.5-9)) but the priest there gave it
to David for he and his men were on the run from King Saul and had no
provisions ([_1 Sam 21:3–6_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1Sa21.3-6)).

Jesus then says something extraordinary. "The Son of Man is lord of the
Sabbath." (_v. 5_) "Son of Man" is how Jesus most often refers to Himself, and
it is how Daniel describes the Messiah when He is given dominion and authority
over the nations in Daniel 7. The Sabbath was created by God when He rested on
the seventh day of Creation, but Jesus is claiming authority over it.
Effectively, He says it's not up to the Pharisees to decide what's lawful to do
on the Sabbath, but Him.

* * *

Let us read Your Word with clarity, so that we may do precisely what is says,
and not cling to our traditions which were created by fallible men.