title = "Luke 10:25–37"
date = "2022-12-07"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk10.25-37)

In this familiar story, an expert of the Law of Moses decides to test Jesus by
posing an important question. "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" (_v.
25_) Jesus responds by asking the lawyer to answer his own question, which he
does. And then Luke tells us that the lawer wanted to justify himself, he asks,
"Who is my neighbor?" (_v. 29_) This is a case of someone knowing what is the
right thing to do, but not willing to do it, not completely.

Jesus exposes his hypocrisy by telling a story of a man who is robbed on the
road to Jericho. Both a priest and a Levite, respected members of the
community, see the man lying on the side of the road, but pass by and do not
help him. In their defense, they may have thought the man was dead and didnt
want to become unclean by touching a corpse. However, we have learned that God
is less concerned about ritual cleanliness than about kindness and mercy. Now,
by this point the audience would be expecting to hear what a lay Israelite
would do with this poor man, but Jesus throws a massive curveball by
introducing a Samaritan. Samaritans and Jews did not like each other in the
first century. To hear that this Samaritan would show the robbery victim such
extravagant kindness would be even more astonishing to the Jews in Jesus's day.

So, which of the three characters was a neighbor to the man? The answer is
obvious, and you can hear the reluctance in the voice of the lawyer when he
answers. Then Jesus pins him down by telling him to go and live his life in the
same way: loving your neighbor extravagantly, even when they aren't part of
your in-group, even when it's inconvenient, even if you are effectively in
hostile territory. Beloved, this is simple to understand, but oh so hard to do.
Even if you are thinking, "I've done heroic things, and helped people out of
real trouble. I'm good!" I would challenge you to not to look only at your
successes, but at all the times you failed too. No one is consistent with this
kind of radical love, every moment of every day, with every single person they
come upon.

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Help us to love everyone around us with the same love You have showed us.