title = "Luke 4:1–13"
date = "2022-10-29"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk4.1-13)

After being baptized by John at the Jordan River, Jesus is led by the Holy
Spirit to the wilderness to fast and be tempted by the devil. This is an
important event in redemptive history, because Jesus needed to remain a sinless
sacrifice in order to justify sinners, but if He did not experience the
temptation to sin He would not be the "high priest who is able to sympathize
with our weaknesses" (_Heb 4:15_).

The specific temptations that Jesus endured in this passage are also important.
In each case, Satan is offering Jesus something He already deserves, or has a
right to. The sinfulness of these temptations isn't the offered things in
themselves, but in the timing, the method of aquiring them, and the motives of
Jesus's heart if He accepted them.

Jesus had the power and authority to change stones into bread. But it was time
for Him to fast on this day, and until His death it was not time for Him to
exercise His divine rights as Creator. All of His glory was set aside for the

Jesus has authority over all the nations and will one day receive their glory
and worship. At that time, Satan even had the right to offer them because
humanity came under his control when Adam sinned, but he did not deserve
Jesus's worship at all.

Satan accurately quoted Scripture when tempting Jesus to jump off the roof of
the temple, but he twists the intent of the passages. In Matthew's account,
there are indeed angels that come to serve and aid Jesus after these
temptations are over. Yet that's not a reason to take them for granted and
behave foolishly.

In each case, Jesus quoted Scripture (each time from Deuteronomy) to rebuke the
devil, bringing God's truth to mind and remembering that what He wanted in his
flesh was less important than being obedient.

* * *

Help us remember the truth You have given to us when we are tempted so that we
may act rightly.