title = "Ezekiel 8:1-13"
date = "2023-03-19"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel8.1-13)

About thirteen months after the last prophecy, Ezekiel is again visited by the
Lord. This one happens while he has visitors, the elders of Judah. Ezekiel
again sees the shining glory of the Lord, who takes him by the hair and lifts
him up into the sky to take him to Jerusalem. This is very likely not a
physical transportation, as he says the Spirit is the One who lifted him up.

At Jerusalem, Ezekiel is set down in the temple, at the entrance to the inner
court. He is shown an "image of jealousy" (_vv. 3,5_), that is, an idol that
provokes the Lord's jealousy. We aren't told exactly what it is, but it seems
likely to be an Asherah like King Manessah set up. Asherah poles were symbols
for a Caananite fertility goddess. The Lord says to Ezekiel that the house of
Israel is doing abominations to drive Him out of His sanctuary. What I can't
determine is whether the people intend for this, or if it is only what the Lord
decided the consequences of their idolatry would be. But as bad as this is,
there are worse things for Ezekiel to see.

At the entrance to the court, there was a hole in the wall, and Ezekiel is
commanded to dig into it. He finds an entrance into a room, and is told so see
what is inside. There is a room filled with reliefs depicting all of the
various idols that Israel worshipped at that time. Additionally he sees 70
elders of Israel burning incense in there, including Jaazaniah the son of
Shaphan leading them. This man is tragically significant because his father
Shaphan helped King Josiah reform the worship of Judah to the true God. Shaphan
was the one to read the Book of the Law to the king that Hilkiah the priest

Apparently these men think their hidden room is unseen by God, or maybe that He
is no longer paying attention to Israel. They don't realize that the very acts
they are committing are what bring the Lord's wrath upon the land, the very
disasters they fear are coming and are trying to prevent with their prayers to
idols. They had forgotten the Lord's promises and commandments, and have
twisted things around so much that they blame God for their own problems. As
bad as this is, Ezekiel will see still worse things.

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Help us see our sin for what it is, and give us the remedy that will heal us
from it.