title = "1 Chronicles 17:16–27"
date = "2024-04-04"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/1Chronicles17.16-27)

David's response to the Lord's great promise to him is a lesson in humility and gratitude.
The phrases "Who am I" and "what is my house" are David's confession that he is undeserving of the blessing that God has bestowed on him and his legacy.
David compares the magnitude of this blessing, which is great in his eyes (_v. 19_), with the awesome might of the Lord and realizes that God sees it as something small and easy to do. (_v. 17_)

David's prayer continues by recounting other great things that Yahweh has done for David's people.
In particular, he brings up the covenant the Lord made with Israel through Moses, redeeming them for Himself on Mt. Sinai.
At that time, God promised to make the Israelites His treasured possession which He would not give up.
As the Lord glorified His name then, He will glorify Himself through the establishment of David's throne and house through all generations.

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Your eternal majesty is recognized by all generations.