title = "Luke 12:1–3"
date = "2022-12-15"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk12.1-3)

Jesus's fame is reaching such great heights that people are hurting each other
in the press to get close to Him. But He still takes the time to make sure His
disciples have the teachings they need for future ministry.

Jesus compares the Pharisees' hypocrisy to leaven, or the action of yeast in
making dough rise. Compared to the rest of the loaf, the amount of sourdough
starter you add is pretty small, but it fills the whole lump with little
pockets of gas, evenly distributed. In the same way, hypocrisy can start out
small, but spread throughout a person's life.

The Pharisees were very good at their outward religious expressions, but Jesus
tells the disciples that everything they have done, in the dark or in inner
rooms, will be revealed some day. God is not bamboozled or confounded by
flattering lips and flashy lifestyles. He knows all of the inner workings of
your heart, every thought, every attitude. And on Judgement Day, they will be
used to condemn you if Jesus does not count you as one of His own.

* * *

Save us, for we are sinners through and through.