title = "Ezekiel 24:1–14"
date = "2023-05-04"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel24.1-14)

"This very day" (_v. 2_), on which the Lord tells Jeremiah the siege of
Jerusalem has begun, is generally thought to be January 15, 588 <span
style="font-variant-caps: small-caps">b.c.</span> On this day, Ezekiel tells a
parable to the exiles that speaks of a cooking pot. A festive meal is prepared:
good pieces of meat boiled in water, the choicest member of the flock. Wood is
piled up in a fire beneath the pot, and everything is set to boil.

But, woe! The pot is rusty and contaminates the food. Piece after piece is
taken out, but the rust remains. This corrosion is identified as the blood shed
by the violence in Jerusalem. Like the blood of Abel, it lies on bare rock and
cries out for justice. It wasn't even covered up, but just left open to the

Because of this the Lord is going to empty out the pot and heat it hotter and
hotter. While the uncleanness melts, the corrosion is not burned away. So the
Lord continues to pour wrath ever hotter into the fire, until His fury is

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You punish sin as it deserves and bring justice to the oppressed.