title = "Luke 22:31–38"
date = "2023-02-07"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk22.31-38)

In contrast to His assurance that they will one day sit on thrones, ruling over
the tribes of Israel, Jesus warns Peter that Satan plans to trouble them
severely. We lose a bit of subtlety in our English translation, because "sift
you like wheat" is plural, but all of the "you" and "your"s in verse 32 are all
singular. Jesus is telling him that while Satan will disturb them (and had to
demand permission from God to do so), Peter will recover and give strength and
encouragement to the rest of the disciples. Peter boasts that he will follow
Jesus to prison and death, but Jesus responds that he will deny Him three times
before dawn.

Next, Jesus contrasts the coming days with the times He sent them out to preach
the Good News. Before, they took no provisions, tools, or extra clothes for the
journey, but relied on the hospitality of strangers. Now they are to make
preparations: get your moneybag, a bag to carry things, and even a sword to
protect themselves. I emphasize self-defence because Jesus never calls on His
followers to attack anyone. All of these items together indicate the hardships
the disciples are going to face once Jesus is handed over to the authorities.
The disciples show Jesus that they have two swords already, which feels a bit
like finding out that the super-nice, extra-humble guy at work goes to the gun
range on the regular.

* * *

You are sovereign over all the evil forces that oppose You, and we can trust in
Your provision both now and forever.