title = "Luke 23:32–43"
date = "2023-02-18"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk23.32-43)

Because Jesus had taken the place of Barabbas, the two criminals who were
crucified alongside Him were likely collaborators with Barabbas in his
insurrection. Some translations call them "robbers" or "thieves" because that
is the most common meaning of the Greek word, but it can also mean any kind of
criminal or specifically an insurrectionist. Nowadays the word used might be
"terrorist". These two men are important because they help fulfill the prophecy
of [Isaiah 53:12](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/isaiah/53/12).

Another prophecy ([_Psalm 22:18_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/psalms/22/18))
is fulfilled by the soldiers casting lots for Jesus's clothing. This was
standard practice at the time for the Roman executioners to receive the
clothing of the condemned. The rulers and the soldiers mock and abuse Him still
while he hangs from the nails, and yet Jesus asks His Father to forgive them.
The reason He gives, that they don't know what they are doing, sounds absurd at
first. How could they not know they are killing Him? What He means is that they
don't know who He really is and how significant it is that He, the Son of God,
is dying.

One of the criminals beside Jesus gets a dig in as well. He thinks the Messiah
should have some way of fixing the whole situation and is angry when He
doesn't. The other man, though, recognizes his guilt and the justice of his
punishment, but asks for something far greater than a mere reprieve. Just as
Abraham believed that God could keep His promises even if he sacrificed Isaac
on an altar, this man expected Jesus to have a kingdom even if He died on a
cross. Don't forget the curse that is handed down when a body is hung on a
tree. ([_Deut. 22:23_](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/deuteronomy/22/23)) Despite
knowing that, he believed that Jesus would rule and reign in a heavenly kingdom
and be able to remember him favorably there. That faith is what Jesus rewards
with those beautiful words, "today you will be with me in Paradise."

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We long to see Your kingdom, to be remembered by You there.