title = "Luke 22:63–71"
date = "2023-02-14"

### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Lk22.63-71)

Now we see the evil of Jesus's captors start to show through. The soldiers
guarding Jesus mock and beat Him, making fun of the things the people have
called Him, such as prophet, maybe the Messiah. I do want to point out one of
the words Luke uses, though: "blaspheming". (_v. 65_) I suppose the argument
can be made that this word doesn't _have_ to mean speaking terrible lies about
God, specifically, but could also cover abuse and slander against anyone. But
that's our modern word and its connotations, and I don't know if the Greek word
used carries the same connotations all the time. And if there are more, which
way did Luke actually mean it?

Since Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity,
Maker of Heaven and Earth, the question hardly matters. But I bring it up
because Luke is showing us an ironic reflection in these verses. The guards
blaspheme Jesus, and then dawn breaks and the chief priests, scribes, and
elders accuse Him of blasphemy so that they can get a capital punishment. They
ask if He is the Christ, and He remarks that they aren't going to believe His
answer anyway. And if He asks them if they think He is the Christ, then they
won't answer either.

Then, Jesus tells them that the Son of Man will be "seated at the right hand of
the power of God." (_v. 69_) Clearly this refers to His imminent death,
resurrection, and ascension, but also points out how Jesus will have the place
of highest honor in heaven. When asked if that makes Him the Son of God, His
response is equivalent to "if you say so." Or it might be a reference to the
Name of God if read as "You say that I AM". (_v. 70_) The Sanhedrin council
would prefer to take it as Jesus claiming to be God Almighty, so then they
condemn Him for blaspheming and set about getting the Romans to execute Him.

* * *

You are worthy of all honor, and Your Name is above every other name.