diff --git a/content/bible_journal/ezekiel_39:1-16.md b/content/bible_journal/ezekiel_39:1-16.md
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+title = "Ezekiel 39:1–16"
+date = "2023-06-27"
+### [Read the passage.](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ezekiel39.1-16)
+To this point the prophecies against Gog have been general and corporate,
+referring to the judgements delivered to his armies. Now, they become specific
+and personal. The Lord addresses Gog by name and title1, speaking in the second person now instead of
+the third (i.e., speaking _to_ Gog instead of _about_ Gog). He will be lead out
+into the mountains of Israel, and there he will fall without his weapons in
+hand. He and his army will die in the open, and become food for the birds of
+the air and beasts of the field.
+Through this judgement, then Lord displays His holiness and defends His name.
+This event will be known across the world when it happens. So great will Gog's
+army be that it will take seven years to burn their weapons and shields for
+fuel. The army that came to plunder Israel is instead the one plundered. After
+they have been defeated, it will take seven months to bury them all. Though
+there are dedicated workers going through the land to find all of the slain,
+they will still be finding human bones. But eventually the land will be
+cleansed of the corruption caused by death.
+* * *
+No one can stand against Your might and Your wrath.
+* * *
+: Some people take the Hebrew word used in
+"chief prince", _ro'sh_, to mean Rosh, a variant on the root name in Russia.
+This is then used to connect these prophecies with the modern-day Russia.
+However, the name for Russia or its people wouldn't be known to the Levant
+region for at least a thousand years after Ezekiel's day. Furthermore, it is
+very rare for the Lord to name names in prophecies of the future. Contrast
+Isaiah 44:28 with Daniel 7–12. Cyrus was told about his appearance in prophecy,
+but Alexander the Great and Antiochus IV were not (I presume).